Family Entertainment in Sydney

Sydney Connections is your one-stop-shop of everything that is going on in the most happening city in Australia. We focus on everything a visitor needs to know before arriving in Sydney, from the best places to stay to how to get about.

In this blog we look at some fun family entertainment things to do whilst you are staying in the city, and ways of keeping your kids amused. If you are looking for inspiration to entertain your kids then perhaps the ideas below will fit the bill.

Centennial Stables

Centennial Parklands is the ideal place to entertain your kids, the parklands are vast and also very beautiful. There are plenty of cycling and running tracks to take advantage of, but also offer is the opportunity to ride a horse around the ample grounds.

The Stables are actually made up of five riding schools that have between them 210 individual stables. Each of the schools offer both lessons and the opportunity to participate in a canter or two.

Darling Quarter Kids Playground

If you happen to be around the Darling Quarter and at a loose end what to do with your kids, then why not take them to the Darling Quarter Kids Playground.

There are many fixed amusement things to keep your kids occupied for hours, as well as the opportunity to meet new little friends whilst playing on the gigantic circular swing or clambering up the large steel slides.

Luna Park

A vintage attraction that has been entertaining families for generations. You know when you arrive at Lunar Park as there is a giant clown’s face grinning inanely at the visitor.

The whole park is a blast from the past and is almost akin to the Vaudeville period in America. The old wooden roller coasters rattle as the antique cars speed past and the small booths with vendors selling all types of unhealthy funfair type snacks all adds to the nostalgia.

One of the realyl great things about Luna Park are the stunning views of Sydney Harbour that you can see from many of the rides.

Manly Surf School

Sydney, more than any other Australian city is surf mad, and surf culture is a big part of day to day life for many citizens. It is a really good idea to treat your kids to proper surfing instruction and down in Manly is the perfect place.

Individual lessons are available, but a surf school is probably more fun as your kids will make friends with other students hitting the waves. Not only will your kids learn the basic rules, they will also be taught surf etiquette.

These ideas are just some of the great activities that Sydney has to offer families, depending on the length of time you are staying in the city might offer even more great outdoor opportunities for you and your kids to have fun.